The LORD is near to all who call on him,
At New Harmony we love and treasure the Word of God. We place a high value on faithful teaching and preaching. The Word of God is a strong and firm foundation, and we do our best to ensure that everything we do is built upon it.

preach the word

We worship with joy and gladness. Our gatherings always include singing to the Lord and we do so with passion. Enter his gates with thanksgiving in your heart and his courts with praise. When we gather, we do our best to offer praise that is worthy of his name.
New Harmony is active locally, regionally, and internationally in the spread of the Gospel and serving those in need. We believe every believer is a minister and has been called to go forth, serving needs and sharing the hope found in Jesus Christ.

reach & serve
worship Times
Sunday Mornings
9:30 am
wednesday Evenings
6:30 pm
Recent Stuff
Here's some of the recent sermons, teachings, or mission updates at New Harmony.